About The Artist
Meaning:"Dark And Mysterious"
Birth Date:December 12th 1983
Blood Type:O+
Birth Place:Wisconsin
Family:Mom, Dad and brother, Husband David
Hair:Long, brown
Home:Great Falls,MT
Most Prized Possesion:My computer I guess...and my wedding ring.
Occupation:House wife at the moment
Favorite Food:Ice cream
Least Favorite Food:Anything fishy
Favorite Color(s):Blue
Weaponry:Giant eraser
Fears:Losing my loved ones
Goal:to follow Alter Ego through to the end
Hobbies:Drawing, Webdesign, somewhat writing
Likes:David, rice candy, pucca, anime, manga, sleeping in, collecting gashapon, getting fan art!
Dislikes: waking up early in the morning.
Relationships:Married to David
Favorite Anime:
Sailor Moon, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Saikano, Peach Girl...
Favorite Manga:
Peach Girl, Hot Gimmick, Sailor Moon, Paradise Kiss, Saikano...
My friends and family, dreams, myths and a couple of years of watching anime XD.
My Other Websites:
For more of my art (non AlTer Ego related) please check out my art gallery on DA!
Kali's DA Art Gallery
What Do You Use to Create Your Work:
Pencil, paper, scanner, Photoshop CS, Paint shop Pro 7, Waccom Graphire3 tablet
More About Me:
Hm...well what should I say...
As of right now (May 2005), I've been living with my husband and we've been married for 4 months. It's quite nice.
Being outta school until I've established residency, I have more time to work on my art, so I decided to rebuild the Alter Ego website.
That's right, it's time to get serious...
I've been playing around with this project since my senior year of highschool, but it always fell through cause I'd get discouraged. I'm hoping this time around that won't be the case.
I'd like to thank all my friends and family who have supported my hobby here, and of course my husband David for all his encouragment. <3